Photo by Alexander Grey
Many people would agree and believe that the United States of America is the land of dreams and opportunity, the country that most migrants aim for. Whether it is for themselves and/or their loved ones, they aim to work in another country as a means to achieve their aspirations in life. As with everything in the world, nothing is perfect, and there are pros, there are also cons. Here, we will be talking about the rising concerns in America.
To start, In the book Thoughts of an American Taxpayer, the author Gary Williamson states: “The official language in the United States of America is English, period. If you cannot speak, read, and write English, then either learn the language or move back to where you came from.
We do not need special teachers to teach your children English or to teach them in your language. Our teachers have enough on their plates to deal with all the politicians and poorly published textbooks. I am not saying we should be a one-language country, but know the official language and teach your children the official language. I strongly believe in legal immigration. Everyone should have a chance to live in this country, but they need to go through the process and care about the country.”
There is a quote that states, “Anything worth having is worth waiting and fighting for.” Gary Williamson’s written work is here to remind everyone that if it is someone’s dream to migrate or immigrate to and achieve their American dream, they have to exert the utmost effort. After all, there is no journey in life that is a smooth road.
As with every other country, the United States of America also has aspects that need improvement, including the government sector, which Gary Williamson emphasizes in his literary work with the goal of enlightening readers on the importance of being informed on important matters, especially with regards to how the government is serving its people, especially in a way that will help Americans live a better quality of life.
The current economic state of the United States of America is currently making its citizens displeased for various reasons. So whatare the rising concerns in America, the ones that are making Americans so displeased with the economy?
There is a gap between sentiment and economic fundamentals.
As of the year 2024, a disconnection is rising between sentiment and macroeconomic performance. The majority of this disconnection refers to dissatisfaction over the current state of the economy and future economic opportunities, especially for the people. With the advent of technology, artificial intelligence now exists, bringing a negative impact on quality jobs for Americans.
Gary Williamson also mentioned in Thoughts of an American Taxpayer that this matter concerns jobs for people, stating that “The government and the politicians cannot create jobs or improve the economy based on their current proposals and ignorant summits. They are doing a great job of generating government jobs and adding to our overhead costs because they do not produce anything, and their services are inferior. They make themselves look like morons since the people holding the summits have never worked in the private sector and have no idea how it works.”
To sum it up, Americans are displeased with the current state of the country’s economy, mostly due to the carelessness of the people in the government and the way they handle things. Here is another takeaway from the book Thoughts of an American Taxpayer: “Do you think the government and the politicians can spend your money more wisely, constructively, and more efficiently than you and I can? I do not think so, and I believe you think this as well.”
It’s high time to educate yourself on matters such as this and take action or even speak up for the betterment of the economy. Get a copy of Gary Williamson’s book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and ReadersMagnet Bookstore.